Conversation Starters

 We understand that finding a way to get difficult conversations started, can be the hardest part. To help, we’ve compiled a number of ‘conversation starters’ for each topic - questions that should help prompt further discussion, so that important information and wishes, can be shared openly with those most important to you.

Wills & Inheritance

    • ​Have you thought about the things that we have accumulated as a family - our home, some of our treasured family pieces, or certain things that are important to you - and have you thought about which of those things that you would want after I pass on? 

    • I have been thinking a lot about the great things that I have done in my life, and the joys that we have experienced as a family. Can we spend some time talking about my thoughts about what I want to happen with our family "treasures" when I reach "the end"? 

    • Did you notice that (insert name of recently deceased acquaintance) passed? It got me thinking about my own mortality. Can we talk about my thoughts on my goals?

    • Have you ever thought about what would happen to your kids - God forbid - if something happened to you? Have you thought about a Will? 

    • Now that you have.... (gotten a new job, married, had a child) have you thought about how that change has affected your family? Have you considered thinking about how that change might affect your kids? 

    • I do not plan on going anywhere soon - but in the event something happens I would like to share my goals about what I have built over time, and what will happen with it. 

    • I want to ensure that we name a responsible person to be our Executor and want to chat with you about the qualities that I think are important in choosing my Executor, and get some advice from you on possible candidates. Can we chat?

    • Dad (Mom), I have just met with our lawyer to update our Will. Given the changes that we are all going through have you had a chance to reflect back on any changes that need to be addressed in your own affairs?

    • We have been very fortunate in our lives and in the lessons that you taught us as parents. Are there keys to what you have used as points of guidance when it comes to giving gifts to your kids?

Transferring Your Wealth

    • Have you used a Certified Financial Planner? What were the key characteristics that guided you in your choice of professional to help you? If I was to look for a new Financial Advisor to help me with some changes that I am contemplating do you have someone that you could recommend?

    • Have you ever met or done business with my wealth management advisor (lawyer, insurance agent, accountant)? I currently use (insert the list of your professional contacts). Are you familiar with any of them?  I am getting concerned about the age of some of my contacts - and the fact that many of them are considering retiring and I may need to find some replacements. Who do you use?

    • ​Given all that has been going on in the world today I think that it might be useful to have you meet my Certified Financial Planner so that I can share some of what I have done in terms of my plans for after I am gone. Can you give me a couple of times and dates over the next month that we could have a conversation - maybe virtually if you are not free for an in-person conversation.

    • With tax season coming up I have begun to prepare all of my documentation that I need for this year's return. I was surprised by all of the accounts that I have. Have you ever taken the time to list the assets that you have? I have put the updated list with my will at the Lawyers - do you have a similar list that can be easily accessed in the event that something happens to you?

    • One of my closest friends just passed, and it made it so difficult for their family because they had no idea who he had dealt with for his financial matters - his bank accounts, retirement funds, his insurance, and even his will. I don't want to leave you in a similar situation in the event that something happens to me. Can I spend some quiet time next week to go over those details?

    • I am thinking about helping out with the education of the grandchildren. It would give me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that I contributed to something that helped them to succeed in life. Have you set up an RESP in their names? Are there any other thoughts that you might have of how I could help - maybe setting up a trust in their names, or perhaps naming them as beneficiaries of our will or an insurance policy. I would love to hear your thoughts.

    • One of my most important goals before I die is helping our community (faith group, charity). What are your 5 biggest goals, wishes or dreams that you want to achieve in your life? How have you dealt with those things in your Will or through your financial plans?

    • Mom (or Dad), with the birth of your latest grandchild we have just sat down with our accountant and insurance agent to plan for securing his (her) future in the event something happens to us. Do you have any advice you can share on what guided you in some of your plans - who did you use and what were some of the things that were important to you?

    • Now that our house is paid off and our mortgage payment are finished we can begin to plan for our Golden Years. Who did you use and why did you choose them? 

    • We have all watched the huge increases in property values that have been occurring since the pandemic - both for primary residences and for vacation property. Are we as a family at all concerned about the Family Cottage? We are not sure that we can afford the capital gains and other costs that could become our responsibility if something should happen to you. How did you deal with these concerns about the Family Cottage with Gramma and Grandpa?

Planning Financially For Your Retirement

    • With my retirement coming up I am beginning to think a lot about my dreams and vision for the coming years. Goals are so personal and tied to life events, have you ever given much thought to what your goals might be for when you retire?

    • I have been thinking a lot about the legacy that I will leave when I am gone, can we spend some time talking about my plans for who I want to have involved as beneficiaries of my estate? I need you to understand some of my thinking – before I am gone.

    • The last several years have not been as bright as I had hoped – many more expenses than I had anticipated – and as a result I have accumulated some debt (credit cards, line of credit, reverse mortgage). These things may impact what happens after I am gone. Can we go through some of these things so that you know what my financial situation really is – I don’t want you to have any surprises!

    • You know that I have helped all my children to accomplish some of their financial goals as they have become adults. I have never asked for anything return, until now. Increasingly I have found it difficult to make ends meet in my retirement years. Is there anyway that we can discuss how you can help me – perhaps by repaying some of the money that I have given you over time?

    • I have noticed that you are stressed about some of the big expenses that you have had lately. Is there anything that I can do to help?

    • You have inspired me as I have been growing up. What plans do you have for your future now that you are retiring? What are your wishes or dreams – your goals for the next few years?

    • I know that you have been concerned about how our family is doing – and what will happen after you are gone. Would it help if we talked about it, tell us what is on your mind? What do you want to have done with all that you have made of your life – after you are gone?

    • I have noticed that you seem pre-occupied lately, is there anything that you want to talk about? I often get distracted when I am thinking about the future – and all the unknowns that I will face, especially financially – so I find talking about it helps.

    • I don’t know how you did it – juggling all that you did when you were working and raising a family. Do you have any tips that you can share with me!

    • I noticed that our elderly neighbour up the street has her house up for sale. How are you managing with keeping the house on your retirement income? Is there anything that I can do to help?

    • I just saw one of those crazy bumper stickers “I’m spending my kid’s inheritance.” I hope that you do the same and enjoy your life rather than worrying about us – don’t you agree?


    • I have been thinking about getting some advice from a Wealth Management Advisor at our bank to help me make some decisions around my longer term retirement objectives. Do you have any advice on what I should be looking for based on your experience with your financial planner?

    • My goals as I age are changing, and I want to think about how I can really achieve what I want in my sunset years? Have you any advice or thoughts on what you think I should be considering?

    • As I age my tolerance for risk has been changing? Have you thought about the risks that are involved in your investments?

    • I just saw in the news that the stock markets are in for a bumpy ride. Does that concern you?

    • I am really concerned about the bite that taxes are taking out of my retirement income. Are you aware of some strategies that might help me reduce the impact of taxes on your inheritance?

    • I have been thinking about getting some advice from a Wealth Management Advisor at our bank to help me make some decisions around my longer term retirement objectives. Do you have any advice on what I should be looking for based on your experience with your financial planner?

    • With all of the changes in our world – COVID, inflation, increased costs related to property, and wild swings in investment returns – I am very concerned about the size of my nest egg for retirement. Given your experience, how did you cope with the changes that you experienced? How are you coping now?

    • Can you give me some advice on how to deal with the risks that inherent in investments that you have made – especially as you have gone through different stages in life. I am getting concerned that I am not conservative enough in my planning for the future.

    • How are you weathering the storm in terms of the markets and the returns on your retirement investments – are you concerned?

    • Are you happy with the advice you are getting from your financial advisor? Do you feel you are getting what you paid for?

Life Insurance

    • What are your thoughts on life insurance as your family grows and you continue to age?

    • Did you know that life insurance can be used to help the beneficiaries of my estate pay any taxes that can be levied on proceeds of my estate after I die, or to help supplement my income while I am alive? I would like to have your advice on the current policies that I have.

    • Life insurance is part of our overall financial planning. Do you know where are policies are and how to find out details from our Agent?

    • Do you know that I have Life Insurance as part of my overall Financial Plan that will be part of my estate when I pass?

    • I am finding it difficult to continue to pay premiums on one of my life insurance policies. I could use the money for living expenses now. What do you think of me cancelling the policy now and taking the cash payout – to help pay my current living expenses?

    • I would be interested in your advice about the value of life insurance in your financial planning in retirement. I am thinking I need to build something into my plans to ensure that my family is not burdened if something should happen to me.

    • I have a friend whose parent just past – and he told me that the government is coming after the estate for inheritance taxes and other payments. I have heard that some financial planners have recommended insurance policies to help lessen the tax burden related to estates and beneficiaries. Have you had any conversations with your financial planner or insurance agent around these options?

    • With all the changes that our family has gone through – your retirement, marriages of each of your kids, and such – have you updated your policies and reviewed the beneficiaries of each to ensure all is still in order?

    • Are you comfortable still paying premiums on Life Insurance Policies that you have or have you thought of some alternatives – cancelling the policies and taking the cash payout, or letting me help with the premiums?

    • With the challenges that you may face to your health do you think we should chat with your insurance agent about coverage that could provide more health care benefits for you?

End-of-Life and Funeral Arrangements

    • You know I have always been a planner. Can we talk about what my wishes are for when my time comes – I have some ideas on what would provide comfort to me, and on what I want for my “last hurrah’?

    • I had a friend that was adamant about his desire to die at home. I think he was courageous, but I wonder about the burden that would place on his family. What are your thoughts?

    • I have started to think about options for me when I die. Have I ever told you about what I really want?

    • I went to a wonderful service the other day for a friend that had recently passed. It had a lot of the hymns that I love from our church. Have we ever chatted about the importance that I place on music and tradition at special times in our lives?

    • I want to ensure that all is in order for my funeral – so that you don’t have the worry about it. Can you come with me to the Funeral Home to look at options for me – for when the time comes?

    • As a kid I remember so much about get togethers with our family, and relatives. A lot of those occasions were around weddings and funerals. I remember some better than others. Are there memories that you have of those events where the celebrations were as you would have chosen for yourself?

    • I just don’t know how I could handle losing you, or someone I love to a terminal illness. It would take a lot of strength to help to do the right thing. Have you ever thought about it?

    • Can you tell me about the family plot at the cemetery? How did the family get it? Is it part of your plans for when you die?

    • I am really concerned about the costs of everything in our lives, and what I hear funerals cost. Have you ever given any thought to simple options for celebrations of life?

    • COVID has caused so many hardships on families. Early in the pandemic people were not even able to gather for funerals. I would hope that things have improved to the point where your family can honour you when you pass – don’t you agree?

Living Situation

    • I have given some thought to moving to a new place that might better suit my needs – both for my lifestyle and my financial situation. Do you have any concerns that you would like to share before I start down that pathway?

    • I have a friend who has recently moved from their home into a retirement community. Do you think that is an option that I should consider – they love it, but I am concerned about my independence.

    • I am concerned about my low level of income and my ability to afford assisted care as I continue to age and face life’s challenges. What do you think my options are for assisted care? Can you help me explore my options?

    • I don’t understand – what is the difference between a retirement home and assisted living?

    • I would like to begin to use some of the equity that I have built up from the house to help me to some of my “bucket list” goals. Do you think it is a good idea to look at selling the house now, while I am capable, renting and freeing up some of my money now, or maybe looking into a reverse mortgage?

    • I am concerned about all the work that you have to put into this place to keep it up – perhaps there are other options that you can consider. Have you ever thought of downsizing, or moving to something that is easier for you to manage?

    • I recently drove by that new retirement community and saw an advertisement for a “free” lunch and tour. Would you like to go see it with me?

    • I know that you are concerned about your declining health. Would you like to have a conversation with me and your family doctor about living options that might better suit your situation?

    • I know that a lot of your friends and neighbours have moved. Have you thought about moving into a new place that you might be happier in?

    • Have you considered the tax implications of selling the family home? Do you know if you will need to pay capital gains or any other taxes as the result of a sale?

Power of Attorney

    • I have heard that if something were to happen to me and I could not make decisions on my own that the courts or some bureaucrat would make decisions on my behalf. What can I do to ensure that my wishes are respected – if my decision-making capabilities are impaired?

    • I have been giving a lot of though to candidates for POA. What factors do you think I should consider in my choices?

    • I don’t want to cause any issues with you kids if something were to impede my ability to make decisions about my personal care or property, so I was thinking of exploring a non-family member as a possible POA. What do you think?

    • Do you know what the most important things are to me when I think about my property or personal care?

    • I am concerned that I may lose control if I name a POA. How can I protect myself?

    • Given some of the recent changes in our lives we have started to think about identifying candidates for POA. Have you given it any thought?

    • With our large family and the fact that I have many brothers and sisters – have you given any thought to how we could better manage your affairs – your health and your wealth – if you were not able to? How would you decide your POA given the fact that there are many of us?

    • I am concerned that your wishes may not be followed if something should happen to you that affects your ability to make your own decisions. Are you familiar with what a POA is, and how they can relieve some of the stress that we all might be faced with IF something should happen to you?

    • I am concerned that some may think I will take advantage of being named your POA. Can we discuss some ways that we can relieve some of my concerns?

Providing Support To Grandchildren and Other Loved Ones

    • I am considering leaving a bit of a legacy for my grandchildren. Can I share with you some of my thoughts?

    • You know that as a family giving gifts of equal value has always been important. Can I share with you my thoughts on what I want to give to you and the rest of my children, and how I want to give something to my grandchildren as well?

    • I have worked hard for all that I have accomplished in my life, and I want those that benefit from my legacy to embrace some of my values – in return for what I am leaving them. Can we spend some time discussing my will, and the considerations that I am making?

    • You know that education has always been important to me and our family. Do you have an RESP for your children, I may want to see what I can do to help out?

    • I am concerned about tax burdens for those that I name as beneficiaries. Do you have any advice that you can offer with respect to minimizing impacts for my loved ones?

    • I know that you are making plans around your legacy. Can we spend some time chatting so that I can understand what you are thinking?

    • Have you sought out any professional advice to help guide your decisions around legacy for your family and those around you? Options include more than just naming beneficiaries, trusts could be an option too.

    • I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Can we chat about any plans that you have for my children as part of your plans – I want to ensure that they learn the lessons that you have taught me about the value of hard work and reward, rather than to rely on entitlement.

    • I am concerned about your plans to gift money to my children upon your death. Can we speak to someone together to explore the tax implications of anything your considering?

    • Are you concerned that by giving money to your grandchildren upon your passing that you are impacting the gifts that you are leaving to others that you care for – including your own children?

Tough Talks About Money

    • The world is sometimes a crazy place. Have I ever talked to you about some of the concerns that I had as I was starting out, recently married and with a child on the way?

    • It appears that you are having some challenges. Is there anything that I can do to help?

    • I had many lean years – where I found it very difficult to make ends meet. Have I ever told you how I was able to survive?

    • It is none of my business, and I don’t want to overstep, but is there anything that I can do to help?

    • I don’t know how you did it. Can you share some advice with me about how to get through these difficult times?

    • I can see you are struggling. What can I do to help?

    • I am having some real challenges making ends meet. Is there anything that you can do to help?

    • I am concerned that you are in over your head and that you are looking after others at risk to yourself. Is there anything that I can do to help you?

    • I am concerned – can we chat?